Rotary Club of Pataliputra Bihar - Rotary India

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Total Services 69
Mukti Rath

2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Rotary Mahavir Blood Bank

ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .

Rotary Mahavir Eye Hospital

ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .

Rotary Mahavir Dialysis Centre

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .


Rotary Patliputra, in association with Medanta Hospital, organized . . .

Saevus Eco Achievers Quiz Programme.

Saevus Eco Achievers Quiz Programme, a National level quiz programm. . .

Rotary Mahavir Blood Bank

ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .

Rotary Mahavir Eye Hospital

ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .

Mukti Rath

2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Rotary Mahavir Dialysis Centre

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .

Sweaters Distribution to the underpriviledged kids

Rotary Patliputra distributed 30 sweaters among underprivileged chi. . .

Rotary Mahavir Blood Bank

ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .

Mukti Rath

2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Dialysis Centre at Mahavir Aarogya Aspatal, Patna

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .

Annapurna Project No.12

Annapurna Project No. 12 was organized at Blind School, Patna. Lunc. . .

Rotary Mahavir Blood Bank

ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .

Rotary Mahavir Eye Hospital

ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .

Mukti Rath

2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Dialysis Centre at Mahavir Aarogya Aspatal

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .

Sanitary Pad Vending Machine

Rotary Club Patliputra installed a sanitary pad vending machine in . . .

Food Packets distribution to children & parents

Heart screenings were conducted for 212 underprivileged children fr. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .


2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Dialysis centre at Mahavir Aarogya Aspatal, Patna

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .

Diwali Celebrations with Slum Children

Rotary Pataliputra celebrated diwali with slum children. Food packe. . .

Polio Awareness Rally

To prevent re-imergence of Polio disease, Polio Awareness Rally was. . .

Cervical Cancer Vaccinations

At Nimisha Clinic, Dr. Nimisha Agarwal administered cervical cancer. . .


Annapurna Project No. 11 was organized near Bankipore Post Office, . . .

Annapurna Project No. 10

Annapurna Project No. 10 was organized at Exhibition Road, Patna. F. . .


2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

Dialysis Centre in Mahavir Arogya Aspataal

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Rotary Aarogya Asp. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .

Donation of Sewing Machine at Saheli centre.

Under the banner of Rotary Patliputra, our esteemed member Rtn. Pra. . .

Annapurna Project No. 9

Annapurna Project No. 09 was organized at Slum area of Adaalat Gha. . .

Awareness programme on World Heart Day

On World Heart Day, we all went to Medanta Hospital on the invitati. . .

Blood Donation Camp at Mahavir Rotary Blood Bank.

Blood Donation Camp was organized at Mahavir Rotary Blood Bank, Kur. . .

Annapurna Project No. 8

Annapurna Project No. 08 was organized at Exhibition Road, Patna. F. . .

Cervical Cancer Vaccination at IGIMS

20 Girls were vaccinated against Cervical cancer at IGIMS Patna. Me. . .

Annapurna project No. 7.

Annapurna Project No. 07 was organized at Blind School, Kadam Kuan,. . .

Annapurna Project No. 6.

Annapurna Project No. 06 was organized at Patna. Foods packets dis. . .

Annapurna project No. 5.

Annapurna Project No. 05 was organized at Ved Vidyalay, Budh Marg, . . .

Positive Health check up Camp at School

Rotary Pataliputra organized a Mega Health camp, in association wit. . .

Annapurna Project No. 4

Annapurna Project No. 04 was organized at Exhibition Road, Patna. F. . .

Annapurna Project No. 3

Annapurna Project No. 03 was organized at Adaalat Ghat, opposite Sa. . .

Library Donation

Rotary Pataliputra donated a library to a needy school run by the w. . .

Teachers feicitation at Saheli Centre.

On Teachers Day, Rotary Patliputra celebrated at Saheli Center with. . .

SAHELI CENTRE Exam & Certificate Distribution

Saheli Centre at Dadabadi, Patna City, is being run by Rotary Club . . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR EYE HOSPITAL was started few years ago to support ne. . .


ROTARY MAHAVIR BLOOD BANK was started few years ago to provide bloo. . .


2 Mukti Raths, the vehicle for the last journey of the departed, is. . .

DIALYSIS CENTRE at Mahavir Aarogya Aspatal

We have installed 6 Dialysis Machines at Mahavir Aarogya Aspatal, K. . .

Congeintal Heart Disease of Children

Liza Das 18 years who came from Dibrugarh, R.I Dist 3240 for CHD op. . .

Protest March for Justice to the rape victim.

On 21st August 2024 at 5 p.m from Patna Womens College to Income Ta. . .

Tree Plantation Drive

99 Tree saplings were planted on J.P. Ganga path, Patna as the fina. . .

Tree Plantaion drive

100 Tree saplings were planted on J.P. Ganga path, Patna as the fou. . .

Tree Plantation drive

100 Tree saplings were planted on J.P. Ganga path, Patna as the thi. . .

Tree Plantation drive

100 Tree saplings were planted on J.P. Ganga path, Patna as the sec. . .

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Rotary Patliputra organized a cervical cancer vaccination event at . . .

Tree Plantation Drive

101 Tree saplings were planted on J.P. Ganga path, Patna as the fir. . .

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

At Mahavir Vatsalya, Dr. Binay administered cervical cancer vaccine. . .

Congenital Heart Disease Operations of children

The patient Akriti Kumari, 3yr old from Chapra and Anabia Karim fr. . .

Mother & Child Care awareness Programme

Rotary Patliputra organized an awareness program on mother and chil. . .

Congenital Heart Disease Operations of Children

The patient Tanu Sabar, 3yr old from Purbi Singhbhum, Jharkhand, da. . .

Distribution of toys and food at Sneh Niwas

We donated coloring books, color pencils, three battery car toys, a. . .

Congenital Heart Disease Operations of children

One child, Ayat Ali, age 5 years, who had holes in his heart was o. . .

Congenital Heart Disease Operations of 2 children

Two children at Medanta who had holes in their hearts were operated. . .

Stationary Donation

Stationary - Books, Copies & School Bag was donated to the girl chi. . .

Cycle Donation

1 Cycle was donated to a needy college going girl.

Cervical Cancer Awareness Programme

A Talk on Cervical Cancer Awareness was organized at Kamla Nehru Sh. . .

Menstual hiegene Talk & Sanitary Pad Distribution

Sanitary pads were distributed to girls of govt aided school - Kaml. . .

Reusable Cloth Bag distribution

On behalf of Rotary Patliputra, 200 cloth bags were distributed amo. . .

Tree Plantation Drive

On 6th July, we planted 30 saplings of different plants, including . . .

Annapurna Project No.1

Annapurna Project No. 01 was organized at Kazibag, Pranami Road, Ch. . .

Annapurna Project No. 2.

Annapurna Project No. 01 was organized at opposite Smart Bazaar, Ex. . .

No Plastic day

July 3rd is No Plastic Day. On this day, on behalf of Rotary Patlip. . .

Baby Food distribution at Mahavir Vatsalya Aspatal

Baby Food was distributed at Mahavir Vatsalya Aspatal, Kurji, Patna. . .

Baby Food Distribution

Baby Food was distributed at Mahavir Vatsalya Aspatal, Kurji, Patna. . .